Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Want to make Rock Paper Scissors more complicated, and weirder? Try Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

In this game, Rock still crushes Scissors, Scissors cuts Paper, and Paper covers Rock. The two new throws are Lizard (pinch two fingers together for a lizard’s mouth) and Spock (make the Vulcan salute). Now each throw wins against two and loses against two. Lizard eats Paper and poisons Spock, but is crushed by Rock and decapitated by Scissors. Spock smashes Scissors and vaporizes Rock, but is poisoned by Lizard and disproved by Paper.

In the diagram above, the arrows indicate dominance. A good way to remember what beats what is to think of the order Rock-Paper-Scissors as indicating that each item is beaten by the item that follows it. When you add Spock and Lizard, put them in between the existing items, and next to the items they sound like, so the order is Rock-Spock-Paper-Lizard-Scissors. That way, each item is beaten by the two items that follow it.